Layer/Service Organization
MapiaSERVER allows organizing services or layers using categories and subcategories. These categories and subcategories create the catalog.
From the MapiaONLINE geoportal, the catalog is visualized as follows:
Mapia ONLINE manages the catalog automatically. If we want to leverage the Mapia SERVER catalog from other applications, we have access to the catalog API. Refer to the API section of this documentation.
Categories and Subcategories
- Categories: The categories that structure the layers in the catalog.
- Subcategories: Subcategories included within the categories.
- Layers: Within the categories or subcategories, there are the layers themselves, which can be downloaded and managed.
The catalog allows organizing layers into as many categories and subcategories as needed. However, it is mandatory to specify at least one category per layer.
Within the administration of the geoportal, categories are created or managed as follows:
Adding a Category
To add a category, click on the “Add” button, and the following window appears to create new data categories:
- To add a new main category, enter the category name and save it.
- To add a new subcategory, select the parent category from the dropdown (which must have been created previously) and enter the subcategory name below.
- We have the option to define a color for the parent category. This color will be represented in the Geoportal’s catalog.
Modifying a Category
If you want to modify the categories, you can do so by clicking on the name “Categories” or “Modify,” and the following summary window appears:
On this page, you can search by the category name, add new categories using the gray button in the upper right-hand corner, modify the names of categories and subcategories, and select categories to delete.