Connect External Services
External services are those that allow Mapia SERVER to connect to web services (WMS, TMS, etc.) from external sources or other providers.
Below, we will explain the process to connect WMS and TMS services in the Mapia SERVER:
The main operation is as follows:
- Define the main information on the information tab.
- Add the WMS/TMS service from the resources tab.
Once inside, you will find the same tabs that have already been explained above regarding information, options, design, etc. Check them out at: Information, layer properties.
Once the general options are configured, it is necessary to define the layer resources.
- Type: Mandatory. In this dropdown, you can choose between WMS or TMS service.
- Name: Mandatory. Name assigned to the resource.
- Description: A brief summary or information about the resource.
- Title: Reference title of the resource.
- Path: Not used to link external WMS or TMS data. It is used to indicate the disk path of a resource.
- URL: URL of the resource, the WMS or TMS URL.
- Layers: Layers that we want the resource to contain, separated by commas.
- Projection: Code of the resource’s projection. Enter in EPSG code format (25831 for ETRS89, 4326 for WGS84). If we want to visualize this resource in the Mapia geoportal, we need to add code 3857.
- WMS Support: Only for the Mapia geoportal. Indicates if we want the Geoportal to show the result of the GetFeatureInfo call when clicking to see the properties of the element.
- Use a Single Image: Only for the Mapia geoportal. If we want to load a WMS in the geoportal using a single image or generating tiles. In the normal case, it is recommended to use the tile service, but there may be some providers that do not allow it.
- Downloadable: Check the section on download service