Create TMS Service
Create Service
We can automatically create a TMS service from the WMS services created from:
- WMS raster: Create WMS Service (raster)
- WMS QGIS: Create WMS Service (QGIS Project)
The created TMS service does not generate images directly; instead, it generates and saves them only the first time they are needed.
Once the corresponding WMS services are created, we can enable the tile service (Tilecache) from the Image Cache tab:
- Active: Enable or disable the TMS service.
- BBOX Limits: Define the boundaries from which we will generate the tiles.
- Get BBOX (Limits) from the project: If enabled, the application will calculate the boundaries automatically upon saving.
- Minimum Zoom Level: Minimum zoom level at which we want to generate the tiles.
- Maximum Zoom Level: Maximum zoom level at which we want to generate the tiles.
- Clear Cache Images: Allows deleting the entire cache created. If there are changes in the original data, it is necessary to delete the existing cache so that the tiles are generated again.
The application will only store images up to zoom level 19. Images above zoom level 19 will be automatically created with each request.
Service URL
In the Mapia Geoportal, if this option is activated, the layer will automatically load with TMS.
The generated service URL will always be related to the WMS URL:
- WMS:
- TMS:{z}/{x}/{y}.png
Service Test
We can verify that the service is running correctly from the “View Map” option once in the service editing form.
Pre-generating tiles
The Giscube administrator adds a specific function to generate TMS according to the specified parameters. Giscube Maptiler is found in the image cache tab. The sections to be completed are as follows:
- Bounding Box: The frame where the tiles will be inscribed. The four necessary coordinates must be provided to generate the bounding box.
- Zoom Level Start: The zoom level from which tiles will start to be generated. It is recommended to start with low levels, such as 4.
- Zoom Level End: The zoom level up to which tiles will be generated. It is recommended not to exceed level 18 to avoid performance issues, especially if the workspace is large.
- Workers: Refers to the number of server workers you want to use in the process.
When we start the process, we must leave the MapiaSERVER tab open. It is the client who makes the corresponding requests. It is advisable not to pre-generate tiles for high zoom levels (20, 21, 22… )