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User Passwords

Modify User Passwords

Administrators cannot view user passwords. If a user forgets their password, the only option is to create a new one:

  1. Go to the user panel: Home › Authentication and Authorization › Users
  2. Access the user for whom we want to modify the password.
  3. Modify the password using the change password form


If a user wants to directly modify their password, they can go to the top right of the administrator and use the option to change the password:


Send Password Change (Reset Password)

Using the previous option, we can modify user passwords, but we will always assign them a fixed one. The option to reset the password allows us to create a URL where the user can access and modify their own password. To send this URL, we must follow these steps:

  • Access the user list: Home › Authentication and Authorization › Users
  • Select the users for whom we want to create the URL to change the password.


  • Execute the action CSV for password recovery


  • This option will generate a CSV file with the password change URLs for all the selected users. Once the file is generated, simply open it and send the URL by email, chat…


The generated URL is for single-use only. Once the user enters and modifies the password, it will stop working.