Data Model
Auth_group: stores the name and ID of newly created groups.
Auth_group_permissions: links group IDs to permission IDs.
Auth_permission: stores the name, ID, codename, and content type.
Auth_user: stores basic user information such as name, email, password, registration date, etc.
Auth_user_groups: links group IDs to user IDs.
Auth_user_user_permissions: links user IDs to their permissions.
Django_admin_log: table where information about log entries is stored, including all changes and updates made by administrators. It includes data such as the modified content type, the user who made the change, the action date, the performed action, etc.
Pending definition
Django_content_type: This table identifies all applications and models of the application. It is used to generate unique identifiers for different elements. For example, the identifier of a GeoJSON layer will be the number 20 (app_label: layerserver, model: geojsonlayer) + a dot + the identifier of the geojsonlayer table.
Pending definition
Pending definition
Giscube_category: stores data about created data categories, including the category name itself and the parent category.
Giscube_dataset: the dataset table stores information about its main characteristics such as basic identification data (name, title, description) and also actions (whether the dataset is active or visible in the geoportal). In addition to the information tab, it also stores data about options, legend, and permissions for anonymous users.
Giscube_datasetgrouppermission: similar to the previous one for dataset data, this table refers to group permissions data (group name, permissions it has, etc.).
Giscube_datasetmetadata: refers to the metadata tab of datasets and all its information.
Giscube_datasetuserpermission: similar to dataset permissions for groups, but in this case for users.
Giscube_dbconnection: data about a database connection.
Pending definition
Giscube_metadatacategory: refers to the code and name of metadata categories.
Giscube_resource: reference table for the resources loaded from the dataset, where information about resource type, URL, description, layers, projection, and more can be found.
Pending definition
Giscube_server: table where information about server connection data is stored (server name, URL, token).
Pending definition
Imageserver_layer: table corresponding to the raster layer manager. It contains information about the layer itself, projection, extent, and also information about any applied mask.
Pending definition
Imageserver_namedmask: information about the masks applied to raster layers.
Imageserver_service: general information about raster layer services. Here, you can find information related to the information tab (general data like name, description, visibility in the geoportal, etc.), options tab (projection, supported SRS, etc.), and the design tab related to the legend.
Imageserver_servicelayer: links layer IDs to service IDs.
Imageserver_servicemetadata: refers to the metadata tab of raster services and all its information.
Layerserver_databaselayer: table that refers to most of the data in the database layer tabs (general information, database, styles, design, etc.)
Layerserver_databaselayerfield: table referring to fields in database tables.
Layerserver_databaselayermetadata: refers to the metadata tab of database layers and all its information.
Layerserver_databaselayerreference: table referring to reference options for adding a service in JPEG or PNG format and their properties.
Layerserver_databaselayerstylerule: refers to all data included in the action of creating a new rule for data styling.
Layerserver_databaselayervirtualfield: table referring to data of virtual fields in database layers.
Layerserver_dblayergroup: this table stores data regarding the permissions given to groups in the database layer manager with actions such as whether they can modify, add data, delete, view, etc.
Layerserver_dblayeruser: similar to the previous one but referring to permissions for users.
Layerserver_geojsonlayer: table that refers to most of the data in the GeoJSON layer manager tabs (general information, GeoJSON layer, styles, design, etc.)
Layerserver_geojsonlayergrouppermission: this table stores data regarding the permissions given to groups in the GeoJSON layer manager with actions such as whether they can modify, add data, delete, view, etc.
Layerserver_geojsonlayermetadata: refers to the metadata tab of GeoJSON layers and all its information.
Layerserver_geojsonlayerstylerule: refers to all data included in the action of creating a new rule for data styling of GeoJSON layers.
Layerserver_geojsonlayeruserpermission: refers to permissions for users in the GeoJSON layer manager.
Mapia_panoramas_panorama: table to store all available panoramas.
Mapia_panoramas_project: table to store how the available panoramas are organized in the Mapia_panoramas_panorama table.
Pending definition
Oauth2_provider_application: stores data related to the application that the administrator manages in general, such as a geoportal.
Pending definition
Pending definition
Qgisserver_project: table where basic data of QGIS project creation is stored (name, data, and service).
Qgisserver_service: refers to data in the service tabs, in this case referring to general information, options, and design.
Qgisserver_service_servers: in this case, refers to servers of services.
Qgisserver_servicemetadata: finally, a table that stores all data related to metadata of QGIS project services.