Geoportal Configuration File
The general configuration of the geoportal, including base maps, zoom settings, design, etc., is done in the configuration file. This file is located within the project at the following path: src/config/production.js. If adjustments are desired in a development environment, it can also be modified in src/config/development.js.
The geoportal has a default configuration that can be redefined. Here are the changes that can be applied:
Property to define the logo in the toolbar and the name that appears on it. An icon link can also be added to turn it into a button.
branding: {
header: {
logo: require('assets/logo.png'), // jpg, png, svg
text: 'Geoportal Demo',
link: ''
Routes to obtain data from the catalog. If the catalog is the tab-based one (old), the route will be (...)/giscube-admin/geoportal/category
. If the tree-based catalog is used, it will be (...)/giscube-admin/geoportal/category/catalog
catalog: {
categories: '',
search: '',
base: '',
auth: true
Base Maps
The geoportal can have different base maps that can be switched using the layer control. To add them, define an array with all the maps you want to include.
If there are Google maps, you must define the API key and indicate that it is of type googleMutant
The default base map to be loaded should have the property default: true
basemaps: [
default: true,
type: 'tilelayer',
name: 'Mapa base de fons',
url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
attribution: '© <a href="">ICGC</a>',
maxNativeZoom: 18,
maxZoom: 21
type: 'tilelayer',
name: 'Cartografia oficial',
url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
attribution: '© <a href="">Ajuntament de xxxx</a>',
maxZoom: 21,
minZoom: 15
type: 'tilelayer',
name: 'OpenStreetMap',
url: 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
attribution: '© <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a>',
maxNativeZoom: 18,
maxZoom: 21
type: 'tilelayer',
name: 'Carto DB',
url: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
attribution: '© <a href="" target="_blank">Carto</a>',
maxNativeZoom: 18,
maxZoom: 21
type: 'googleMutant',
name: 'Roadmap Google',
options: {
type: 'roadmap'
maxNativeZoom: 18,
maxZoom: 21
Base Layers
You can add layers that are loaded by default when opening the geoportal. To do this, define the defaultLayers
property as an array of the layers you want to add.
defaultLayer: [
id: new GiscubeRef('23.13'), // giscube-admin catalog reference
layerDescriptor: {
title: 'Layer\'s title',
type: 'WMS',
url: '',
projection: '4326',
layers: 'layer-name'
options: {
// Layer options e.g. min y
max zoom
title: 'title',
auth: false
Edit fonts
Data fonts can be modified from the data panel.
editsources: [
name: 'xxxx',
url: ''
Coordinate Systems
Coordinate systems in which to display the results (e.g., when clicking on the map).
To make changes to the coordinate systems, the proj4
library is used, therefore, the reference systems will be defined following its syntax.
epsgs: [
label: 'Lat/Lon',
code: 'EPSG:4326',
def: '+title=WGS 84 (long/lat) +proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=degrees',
format: ([x, y]) => `${y.toFixed(6)}°, ${x.toFixed(6)}°`
label: 'UTM (ETRS89)',
code: 'EPSG:25831',
def: '+proj=utm +zone=31 +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs',
format: ([x, y]) => `${x.toFixed(2)}m, ${y.toFixed(2)}m`
Google API
Google maps and tools require an API-key to be used by third parties. If you want to use Google base maps or StreetView, you must enter the API-key in the configuration file.
google: {
apiKey: 'your-api-key'
Geoportal map
Defines the action when clicking in the map
geoportalMap: {
queryOnClick: require('components/QueryOnClick.vue').default
Start configuration options: center and zoom.
home: {
center: {
lat: 41.9,
lng: 2.7
zoom: 15
Layer Control
Layer control configuration. Show or hide the action panel (opacity).
layersControl: {
itemPanel: true // false if renderizing not wanted
With the layout
property, the application’s layout configuration is controlled.
The geoportalMap
property corresponds to the component that builds the map, the layer control, and the sidebar.
The header
property corresponds to the toolbar component.
The tools included in the toolbar are defined in headerToolbar
. This property is an array of string
or object
. The string
corresponds to the tools defined in the tools
property of the configuration, they must have the same name and will appear as a button in the toolbar. The object
defines dropdowns, each having an icon, a label, and an array of items containing the tools to be added to the dropdown. To add a space (in the toolbar) or a separator (in the dropdown), include a string
with dashes (e.g., ‘—‘).
If you want to change the default PlacePanel
component (results panel), add a different component to defaultComponent
. You can also make the component change depending on the case by defining a function in strategyOptions
The sidebar
property allows changing the panel’s size configuration.
layout: {
/* components */
geoportalMap: require('components/GeoportalMap.vue').default,
header: require('components/AppHeader.vue').default,
headerToolbar: [
icon: 'settings',
label: 'altres',
items: [
placePanel: {
defaultComponent: () => require('components/PlacePanel.vue').default,
strategyField: 'content_type',
strategyOptions: {
// 'example_value': () => require('components/PlacePanelBasedComponent.vue').default
sidebar: {
initialWidthPercentage: 30,
minWidthPixels: 300,
minWidthPercentage: 24,
steps: [24, 45, 60, 75]
Define which language the geoportal is set. Nowadays english and catalan are admitted.
locale: {
main: 'ca',
fallback: 'en-us'
The authentication of the connection between the geoportal and the administrator is done through the oauth
property. The authentication type is defined, along with the client ID (defined in the administrator at Home/Security/Application/Geoportal). The token
and revokeToken
routes are also defined to register login and logout actions in the application. Finally, the profile
property is defined to indicate which user is logged into the application.
oauth: {
type: 'password',
client_id: 'b84uwJOlbtjeTAtThoazZFssE4RimQh3kyEiA8Z2',
token: '',
revokeToken: '',
profile: ''
Search engine
Class that manages searches in the search panel, by default the Search class of the geoportal.
searchEngine: Search
The search APIs are defined as an array in the searches
property. The URL will be defined, as well as whether authentication is required or not.
searches: [
name: 'geoportal',
title: 'Geoportal search',
url: '',
auth: true
Pendent definició
Define the tools for the geoportal. Each tool must have an icon (to be placed in the Header) and either a route or an action. Routes will be a string
, and actions will be a function
Additionally, you can define the supported()
function to indicate if the tool can or cannot be used (for example, if they are reserved for users with an active session or if they can be used on a mobile device).
Finally, you can add the headerComponent
property if you want to change the tool’s component in the Header.
tools: {
auth: {
icon: 'las la-user', // Icon for the tool in the Header
to: 'auth', // Route of the tool, when activated it will go to the route defined in the router .../geoportal/#/auth
headerComponent: require('components/header/AuthHeaderItem.js').default // The auth tool's component will be AuthHeaderItem
catalog: {
icon: 'las la-compass',
to: 'catalog'
data: {
icon: 'las la-pencil-alt',
to: 'data',
supported () {
return !!this.$store.state.auth.username // The tool will only appear if the user is logged in
fullscreen: {
supported () {
return this.$q.fullscreen.isCapable // The tool will only appear if the device is capable of fullscreen mode
icon () {
return this.$q.fullscreen.isActive ? 'fullscreen_exit' : 'fullscreen' // The icon depends on the fullscreen state
action () {
this.$q.fullscreen.toggle() // Function that runs when the tool is activated