Salta el contingut


The catalogue is the tool containing the layers that can be loaded into the application. Layers can be viewed and loaded according to the user’s permissions. If a user does not have permissions to view a layer, it will no longer be displayed in the catalogue.

The layers that can be added can be of different types, that is, WMS, TMS, GeoJSON, GML… among other formats. Normally each geoportal has its own catalogue, and although it has different contents, the work methodology is always the same in all of them.

The catalogue is a tree structure that mainly allows:

  • Activate or deactivate layers
  • Access layer information
  • Download information
  • Apply transparencies
  • Search/filter layers


This function allows for keyword searching of the content available within the catalogue.

Turn Layers on and off

To activate a layer, just locate it in the catalogue and activate the corresponding checkbox.


Once the layers are loaded we can manage them from the layer control located at the top right of the application. We can deactivate the layer from the catalogue or from this layer control.



The layer information can be accessed via Screenshot the catalogue or layer control button.


In the information panel we find the following buttons:


Downloads (1): Vectorial layers can be downloaded in different formats (GeoJSON, DXF)

Zoom data (2): Allows you to zoom in and out of the layer.

Etiquetas (Tooltip) (3): Displays a label (tooltip) next to the point or geometry with a short description.

Set the map (4): Adds the layer to the map and therefore also to the layer manager.


The button labels and downloads can only be used on prepared vector layers.

Panel windows:

Info menu: shows the layer description, the legend and download aids if any. The panel displays search words that allow you to search for similar layers.


Metadata menu: information of the metadata of the layer (URL, type, data, summary, language, information, web provider…) This panel always shows the URL of access to the data.


Data menu: to consult the alphanumeric table with the attributes of the layer. It allows to sort the fields, search, filter by different values, filter by polygon or export it to csv.


Statistics menu: allows to extract statistics from the layer by cross-referencing the layer with different territorial divisions.


Utilities menu: different utilities and tools for the layer (opacity, cropping…)



Not all menus are displayed on all layers. Depending on their format we will see some options or others.