Salta el contingut


Navigation in the panorama is so simple, just click on it and drag the panorama to change the viewpoint.

Apart from direct navigation and consultation, there are several other options that can be very useful:


  • Previous and next panorama (1 and 2): allow us to change the selected point, moving forwards or backwards between neighbouring panoramas.
  • Turn the panorama 90 degrees to the left (3): Turn the panorama 90 degrees to the left.
  • Rotate the panorama 180 degrees (4): rotate the panorama 180 degrees
  • Turn the panorama 90 degrees to the right (5): Turn the panorama 90 degrees to the right.
  • Activate the side image (6): activates the side image. Depending on whether we are leaning more to the left or to the right it will show us one or the other. Not all panoramas have side images with complementary information.
  • Campaign information (7): information of the selected campaign. It is also used to load previous campaigns and view the history.
  • Zoom in (8): enlarges the panorama (Zoom in)
  • Zoom out (9): de-zoom out (*Zoom out)
  • Fullscreen (10): fullscreen
  • Capture (11): takes a picture of the exact view at that moment in time of the panorama