Salta el contingut

Add Custom Layer

We can add a custom layer from the catalogue

On the right side of the catalogue, we have a cross that opens a menu whose purpose is to add a custom layers. It accepts the following formats: WMS, TMS, GeoJSON and GML.


Load WMS service

  • Layer name: the name of the layer that will be displayed in the layer control

  • Service URL: indicate the URL of the WMS service.

  • WMS properties: WMS layers separated by commas.

  • Load WMS without tiles, using a single image: by default, the application loads the WMS with a few tiles to improve performance. This option allows you to display the WMS with a single image.

  • Projection: box with the projection to load; 3857 by default.

Load TMS service

  • Layer name: the name of the layer that the layer control will display.

  • Service URL: indicates the URL of the TMS service.

  • WMS properties: TMS layers separated by commas.

  • TMS properties: option to invert the Y coordinate origin.

  • Projection:** box with the projection to load; 3857 by default.

Load GML or GeoJSON:

  • Layer name: the name of the layer that will be displayed in the layer control.

  • Service URL: indicate the URL of the service (if the data is stored on a server) or we can use the clip button to select one of the files on our computer.

  • Select line colour: allows you to select the colour of the outer line for either RGB or hexadecimal.

  • Thickness: choose the thickness of the lines

  • Select fill colour: select the colour of the inside of the figure using either RGB or hexadecimal.