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The point cloud view has many navigation and viewing options. This view is an open 3D environment and we can see any point of view in any direction. The main options are:

Screenshot Orbit navigation: The first tool is for moving within the point cloud. To use it correctly, click on the tool and then use the right and left mouse buttons inside the point cloud. The first possible movement within the 3D cloud is by using the left mouse button to turn around (in first person), i.e. without moving from the same static position, turn around to see everything that surrounds you. On the other hand, using the right button of the mouse, we move over the cloud of points in height as if we were climbing on a crane to have a more panoramic view or, on the contrary, we place ourselves at ground level as if we were stretched out.

Screenshot Pan navigation: This button also has the function of movement within the point cloud. There are 3 possibilities of movement. Left button, to move around the point cloud. It could be compared to moving like flying over a drone, like a bird, moving along the whole possible area of the cloud or like moving on a map. The next movement option is with the right button, in which from the initial point where you click, the point cloud rotates senser on that base point. Finally, with the middle circle, you can zoom in or zoom out.

Screenshot Toggle top/perpective view: Display the point cloud in topographic view (orthogonal, without a specific viewpoint). This is very useful in desktop plugins to see 2D information overlaid with the point cloud.

Screenshot Change pointclouds rendering attributes: this tool allows us to adjust different attributes of the dots (brightness, contrast, gamma and dot size).
