Salta el contingut



  • Linux Server. Preferably Ubuntu versions 18.04, 20.04, or 22.04.
  • Python 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, or 3.10. The administration application (backend) is developed with Django 3.2.
  • PostgreSQL 11 or higher with PostGIS extension.



The viewer is a Single Page Application (SPA) developed with HTML, Javascript, and CSS. You need to copy the files that make up the viewer to the server directory from where you want to serve this HTML.


The administrator is an application developed with Django 3.2. You need to create a virtual environment with the requirements defined in the project (pip install requirements.txt) and the necessary environment variables for the application. The application is served using uWSGI.

Administrator Plugins

You can install plugins in the administrator. The environment variables should indicate where the plugins you want to add are located and the variables they require. Additionally, you need to install the plugin’s requirements (pip install requirements).