Salta el contingut

Data Loading and Management

At a general level, data loading is divided into 3 main parts:

  • Prepare Data: Optimize, format transformation, geolocalization, merge files, point cloud tessellation, data obfuscation for sensitive data, etc.
  • Load Files: Upload files to the server or servers hosting the data (images, point clouds, …)
  • Load Attributes: Load data attributes and properties into the database using the Mapia STREETS Manager application


Within Mapia SERVER, the Mapia STREETS module is located within the MSTREETS application:



Allows adding different initial configurations to the system. If not informed, default values or values defined during installation will be used. We can add the following variables:

  • api_url: URL of the MapiaStreets API that manages the application’s data
  • api_info_url: URL of the API to obtain additional information about a point or panorama
  • folder_poi: Location of points of interest files (panoramas, images, …)
  • folder_img: Location of image files
  • folder_pc: Location of point cloud files
  • page_no_img: Image to display when the panorama file does not exist
  • epsg_pc: Coordinate system of the point cloud files
  • page_panellum: MapiaStreets panorama view component
  • page_potree: MapiaStreets point cloud view component
  • radius: Initial search radius in the panorama API
  • wms_location: WMS path for application locations
  • wms_zone: WMS path for zones
  • wms_campaings: WMS path for campaigns
  • camera_height: Camera height for panorama capture from the ground (default value: 2.8m)
  • hotspots_add: Whether to display hotspots in panoramas or not (default value: true)
  • hotspots_dist_min: Minimum distance from which hotspots are shown (default value: 4m)
  • hotspots_dist_max: Maximum distance up to which hotspots will be shown (default value: 25m)
  • hotspots_height_max: Maximum elevation difference to show hotspots (default value: 3m)
  • pc_ini_color: Initial color when visualizing the point cloud. Accepted values: rgba, classification, intensity, elevation
  • pc_ini_point_size: Initial point size in the point cloud
  • category: Category of elements, used to group elements in lists, e.g., point clouds in the layer list (default value: Data)


Zones are geographical areas used to grant permissions to users. Each of the campaigns loaded into the system belongs to one or more zones. Each zone contains the following information:

  • Name: Zone name
  • Active: Whether the zone is active or not. If deactivated, the application will not allow data access
  • Permissions: User groups with permissions in this zone (refer to the user management section of this documentation for more information)
  • Geometry: Geographic extent of the zone



We can define as many zones as necessary. Zones can be duplicated if different permissions need to be assigned.


The concept of a campaign corresponds to a data collection field campaign. The campaign contains the following information:

  • Campaign Name: Campaign name. It is recommended to indicate the year in the name, e.g., Tarragona 2022
  • Zones: Zones in which this campaign should be visible
  • Metadata: Metadata of the campaign (see the metadata section)
  • Active: Allows deactivating the campaign and making it unavailable in the application
  • Start Date: Start date of the campaign. Date only.
  • End Date: End date of the campaign. Date only.
  • Panorama Path: Full or relative path to the campaign’s panorama files. If it is the same as the main path, it can take a null value.
  • Image Path: Full or relative path to the campaign’s image files. If it is the same as the main path, it can take a null value.
  • Point Cloud Path: Full or relative path to the campaign’s point cloud files. If it is the same as the main path, it can take a null value.
  • Additional Configurations: Allows saving campaign configurations (camera_height, hotspots_add, hotspots_dist_min, hotspots_dist_max, hotspots_height_max, pc_ini_color, pc_ini_point_size, pc_ini_visible, category, pc_order)
  • Geometry: Perimeter of the campaign. It does not have to be fully within the zone; there can be a campaign split across two zones with different permissions.



Used to inform about the sensor used in each campaign, operators, etc. It allows storing the following information:

  • Sensor: Lidar sensor used
  • Precision: (optional) Data precision
  • Company: (optional) Company that conducted the campaign or post-processing
  • Contact: (optional) Contact information for the data provider

Point Clouds

These are the point clouds displayed on the web. The web point clouds are loaded in Potree format.

  • Campaign: Campaign to which the point cloud belongs
  • Point Cloud Name: Name of the point cloud layer displayed to the user
  • File Name: Point cloud file name. Only the file name. For Potree format v2, it is equivalent to the name of the folder containing the data
  • Path: Full or relative path to the campaign’s point cloud
  • Local Environment: Indicates if the point cloud is intended for a local environment or not (plugins)
  • Downloadable: Whether the point cloud is downloadable or not
  • Format: Point cloud file format. Accepted values: POTREE, POTREE2, LAS, POD
  • Label: Point cloud label for future classifications or organization
  • Additional Configurations: Allows saving point cloud configurations (pc_ini_color, pc_ini_point_size, pc_ini_visible, category, pc_order)
  • Geometry: Perimeter of the point cloud. It must be within the corresponding campaign.

The system allows directly loading a CSV file with the INFRAPLAN format. Consult your provider for all format information. To load a file, use the UPLOAD FILE button on the top right:


Points of Interest

These are the individual points captured, mainly panoramas and side images:

  • Campaign: Campaign to which the point cloud belongs
  • File Name: Point of interest (POI) file name. Only the file name.
  • Format: Associated file format. Accepted values: JPG, PNG
  • Type of Point of Interest: Type of point. Accepted values: PANO, IMG, ELEVATION
  • Date/Time: Capture date and time
  • Point Height: Height (Z) of the POI’s photocenter
  • Roll: POI’s roll angle (in sexagesimal degrees)
  • Pitch: POI’s pitch angle (in sexagesimal degrees)
  • Pan: POI’s pan angle (in sexagesimal degrees)
  • Path: Full or relative path to the campaign’s POI file
  • Label: POI label for future classification, organization, or structuring
  • Additional Configurations: Allows saving POI configurations (color)
  • Geometry: Point with the photocenter of the POI


As with point clouds, the system allows directly loading a CSV file with the INFRAPLAN format. Consult your provider for all format information. To load a file, use the UPLOAD FILE button on the top right.

Types of Points:

Accepted types of points are as follows:

  • PANO: Equirectangular panorama in JPG format
  • IMG: An image in JPG/PNG format. Angles do not need to be informed.
  • ELEVATION: An elevation point. In this case, there is no document and it does not need to provide route, file name, angles, etc.