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Configure Data Editing from the Geoportal

From the geoportal, you can configure data editing after logging in with your username and password. Log in to the geoportal

On the geoportal page, to configure data editing, go to Data, which is located at the top, and the side dropdown menu Data Layer will be displayed automatically.


Here, you can see the different available layers that can be worked with and edited from the geoportal. When accessing one of them, the following options are shown:


In this example, we are working with districts of a demo city, and the options that appear in the dropdown are:


Possibility of data filtering in the table.


By clicking on the Polygon button, you can draw polygons on the map. To stop drawing, click the Stop drawing elements button. When a polygon is drawn on the map, only those elements that are within the drawn polygon will be selected.



In the side panels, you can select one or all items that make up the data table, and the selected elements will also be marked on the map.


Zoom to Data

This tool is only used to center the data on the map.


Using the editing tool located at the top of the dropdown, you can edit the spatial data on the map. For example, you can modify the vertices of polygons.


Once the changes are made, they can be discarded or saved.

Data Table

In the data table, you can mainly perform two actions. One is filtering the data based on the fields in the columns.


The other action is editing the data through the document that appears at the beginning of each field.
