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Difference between Layer and Web Service

It is common to confuse the concepts of layer and web service. In the context of Mapia SERVER and Mapia ONLINE:

  • Layer: A layer is information that is visualized in some application, for example, in the Mapia ONLINE geoportal.
  • Web Service: A web service is a technology that uses a set of protocols and standards to exchange data between applications. For example, a WMS, TMS, etc.

The general idea is that from MapiaSERVER, we mainly generate services, and then we decide whether to visualize or use them from MapiaONLINE or not. It is essential to consider that Mapia SERVER does not always have to be accompanied by the Mapia ONLINE geoportal. Often, we may be interested in launching services from Mapia SERVER to use them in other applications (QGIS, Bentley Microstation, ArcGIS, etc.) and not necessarily visualize them in MapiaONLINE.

In general, the process will always be the same:
