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Local Catalog

The desktop plugins of the geoportal for querying the geoportal catalog can query information in local or private catalogs, meaning catalogs in which the information is within the organization’s intranet.

Mapia uses the SQLite format to store local catalogs. The SQLite used must contain at least the following tables:

!!! info |Information| Although not mandatory, the default extension .mboxc is used in the SQLite file.

The catalog is organized by layers, and each layer can have as many resources (children) linked as desired, for example:

  • A Microstation layer: One child with the DGN file.
  • A Microstation layer: One child with the DGN file and another with a PDF of specifications.
  • A Microstation layer: Many children (roads, topography, …).
  • A WMS: One child with WMS. The children’s table already allows saving the WMS layers.

Note: Boolean fields are integers where 0 is False, 1 or -1 is True.

Layers Table

  • Name: mapia_layer
Field Type Description
id integer Unique identifier
is_group integer Indicates if it’s a group of layers. In the case of the local catalog, it’s always false, value 0
title text Layer title
legend text Layer legend with HTML code
catalog text Path in the catalog tree using the separator \
private integer Boolean value to indicate if the layer is private or not. Not used in the local environment, value 0
keywords text Search keywords separated by commas
giscube_id integer Unique identifier of MapiaGiscube. Not used in the local environment, value NULL
category_id integer ID of the parent category. Not used in the local environment, value NULL
description text Layer description
metadata_date text Data validity date
metadata_summary text Brief description of the data
metadata_information text Layer information
metadata_provider_web text Provider web URL
metadata_provider_name text Provider name
metadata_provider_email text Contact email with the provider
geom_x_max real(20,10) Maximum X coordinate in 4326 of the bbox
geom_x_min real(20,10) Minimum X coordinate in 4326 of the bbox
geom_y_max real(20,10) Maximum Y coordinate in 4326 of the bbox
geom_y_min real(20,10) Minimum Y coordinate in 4326 of the bbox
mbx_guid text Unique GUID (compatibility with the old MapiaBOX)
mbx_catalog_name text Name of the catalog it belongs to (allows grouping layers for future updates)
mbx_catalog_guid text GUID of the catalog it belongs to (for compatibility with MapiaBOX’s Catalog Manager)

Children Table

  • Name: mapia_children
Field Type Description
id integer Unique identifier
layer_id integer Layer identifier (table mapia_layer)
type integer Resource type, check values in the resource type list
url text URL of the web or local resource
title text Resource title
projection integer EPSG code of the resource (e.g., 4326, 25831, …)
layers text Resource layers separated by commas (e.g., in a WMS)
format text Resource format
mbx_catalog_guid text GUID of the catalog it belongs to (for compatibility with MapiaBOX’s Catalog Manager)

Resource type values (field type)

  • Null = 0
  • TMS = 1
  • WMS = 2
  • GeoJSON = 3
  • DataBaseLayer = 4
  • Document = 5
  • URL = 6

Resource format values (field format)

  • DWG
  • DXF
  • DGN7
  • DGN
  • SHP
  • CAD
  • JPG
  • SID
  • TIFF
  • POD